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Magnetic Stir Bar Retriever T-Handle
Item #: TMS/1233L87
Manufacturer: Northwest Scientific Inc.
Supplier #: 1233L87
Corning Part No. 6970SR
The Corning stir bar retriever contains a strong magnet to remove a stir bar from all glass and plastic containers used in the laboratory. The container must be taken off the magnetic stirrer before using the retriever as the high-powered magnet in the stirrer cancels out the one in the retriever. The handle is designed for ergonomic and easy retrieval.
The Corning stir bar retriever contains a strong magnet to remove a stir bar from all glass and plastic containers used in the laboratory. The container must be taken off the magnetic stirrer before using the retriever as the high-powered magnet in the stirrer cancels out the one in the retriever. The handle is designed for ergonomic and easy retrieval.