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(507 results)
Hematoxylin, Gill 2, 1 L
Item #:
Supplier #: 3536-32
Supplier #: 3536-32
Hematoxylin Stain Solution, Gill 2 Formulation, Double Strength, Dark purple liquid; Ricca Chemical; 1L; Poly natural; CAS: 517-28-2 (Hematoxylin); 64-19-7 (Acetic Acid); 7784-31-8 (Aluminum Sulfate Hydrate); 7681-55-2; 107-21-1; 1/EA Exact Match 353632
Hematoxylin, Gill 2, 20 L
Item #:
Supplier #: 3536-5
Supplier #: 3536-5
Hematoxylin Stain Solution, Gill 2 Formulation, Double Strength, Dark purple liquid; Ricca Chemical; 20L; Cubitainer; CAS: 517-28-2 (Hematoxylin); 64-19-7 (Acetic Acid); 7784-31-8 (Aluminum Sulfate Hydrate); 7681-55-2; 107-21-1; 1/EA Exact Match 35365
Hematoxylin, Gill 3, 4 L
Item #:
Supplier #: 3537-1
Supplier #: 3537-1
Hematoxylin Stain Solution, Gill 3 Formulation, Triple Strength, Dark purple liquid; Ricca Chemical; 4L; Poly natural; CAS: 517-28-2 (Hematoxylin); 64-19-7 (Acetic Acid); 7784-31-8 (Aluminum Sulfate Hydrate); 7681-55-2; 107-21-1; 1/EA Exact Match 35371
Hydrazine Std, 1000 ppm N2H4, 500 mL
Item #:
Supplier #: 3553-16
Supplier #: 3553-16
Hydrazine Standard, Clear, colorless liquid; Ricca Chemical; 500mL; Glass amber; CAS: 5341-61-7 (Hydrazine Dihydrochloride); 7647-01-0 (Hydrochloric Acid); 7732-18-5 (Water, Deionized); 1/EA Exact Match 355316
Hydrochloric Acid, Dilute R, 500 mL
Item #:
Supplier #: 3556-16
Supplier #: 3556-16
Hydrochloric Acid Dilute R EP Reagent; 1/EA Exact Match 355616
Hydrochloric Acid, Dilute R, 1 L
Item #:
Supplier #: 3556-32
Supplier #: 3556-32
Hydrochloric Acid, Dilute Reagent, 73g/L, Clear, colorless to slight greenish yellow; Ricca Chemical; 1L; Poly natural; CAS: 7647-01-0 (Hydrochloric Acid); 7732-18-5 (Water, Deionized); 1/EA Exact Match 355632
Hydrochloric Acid, 10% v/v, 10 L
Item #:
Supplier #: 3570-2.5
Supplier #: 3570-2.5
Hydrochloric Acid, 10% (v/v), Clear, colorless liquid; Ricca Chemical; 10L; Cubitainer; CAS: 7647-01-0; 1/EA Exact Match 357025 RC3570-2.5
Hydrochloric Acid, 20% v/v, 1 L
Item #:
Supplier #: 3574-32
Supplier #: 3574-32
Hydrochloric Acid, 20% (v/v), Clear, colorless to slight greenish yellow; Ricca Chemical; 1L; Poly natural; CAS: 7647-01-0 (Hydrochloric Acid); 7732-18-5 (Water, Deionized); 1/EA Exact Match 357432
Hydrochloric Acid, 20% v/v, 20 L
Item #:
Supplier #: 3574-5
Supplier #: 3574-5
Hydrochloric Acid, 20% (v/v), Clear, colorless to slight greenish yellow; Ricca Chemical; 20L; Cubitainer; CAS: 7647-01-0 (Hydrochloric Acid); 7732-18-5 (Water, Deionized); 1/EA Exact Match 35745
Hydrochloric Acid, 25% v/v, 4 L
Item #:
Supplier #: 3577-1
Supplier #: 3577-1
Hydrochloric Acid, 25% (v/v), Clear, colorless to slight greenish yellow; Ricca Chemical; 4L; Poly natural; CAS: 7647-01-0 (Hydrochloric Acid); 7732-18-5 (Water, Deionized); 1/EA Exact Match 35771