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(125 results)
Glycine ACS, 500 g
Item #:
Supplier #: RDCG0250-500B1
Supplier #: RDCG0250-500B1
Glycine ACS Ricca Chemical; 500g; Poly wht WM; CAS: 56-40-6 (Glycine); 1/EA Exact Match RDCG0250500
Glycerol 99% Reagent100ml
Item #:
Supplier #: G5516-100ML
Supplier #: G5516-100ML
Synonyms: 1,2,3-Propanetriol; Glycerin Formula: HOCH2CH(OH)CH2OH Formula Weight: 92.09
CAS No.: 56-81-5 Purity: ≥99% Density: 1.25 g/mL(lit.) Application: Glycerol is used both in sample preparation and gel formation for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Glycerol (5-10%) increases the density of a sample so that the sample will layer at the bottom of a gel’s sample well. Glycerol is also used to aid in casting gradient gels and as a protein stabilizer and storage buffer component. Packaging: 1 L in poly bottle Packaging: 100, 500 mL in poly bottle
Synonyms: 1,2,3-Propanetriol; Glycerin Formula: HOCH2CH(OH)CH2OH Formula Weight: 92.09
CAS No.: 56-81-5 Purity: ≥99% Density: 1.25 g/mL(lit.) Application: Glycerol is used both in sample preparation and gel formation for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Glycerol (5-10%) increases the density of a sample so that the sample will layer at the bottom of a gel’s sample well. Glycerol is also used to aid in casting gradient gels and as a protein stabilizer and storage buffer component. Packaging: 1 L in poly bottle Packaging: 100, 500 mL in poly bottle
Gentian Violet, 1% w/v Aqueous, 500 mL
Item #:
Supplier #: 3230-16
Supplier #: 3230-16
Gentian Violet, 1% (w/v) Aqueous Solution, Ricca Chemical; 500mL; Poly bottle; 1/EA Exact Match 323016
Gentian Violet, Hucker, 500 mL
Item #:
Supplier #: 3240-16
Supplier #: 3240-16
GENTIAN VIOLET,500 mL,Hucker Formula.For Gram Staining Technique.(Non-Regulated); 1/EA Exact Match 324016
Gentian Violet, Hucker, 120 mL
Item #:
Supplier #: 3240-4
Supplier #: 3240-4
Gentian Violet, Hucker Formulation, Clear, dark blue-purple liquid; Ricca Chemical; 120mL; Poly natural; CAS: 548-62-9 (Gentian (Crystal) Violet); 67-56-1 (Methanol); 64-17-5 (Ethanol); 64-17-5 (Ethanol); 7732-18-52-18-5; 1/EA Exact Match 32404
Glucose-Glutamic Acid Soln, 24 x 6 mL
Item #:
Supplier #: 3255-246
Supplier #: 3255-246
Glucose-Glutamic Acid Solution, Standard Check Solution for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Clear, colorless liquid; Ricca Chemical; 144mL; Glass vial; CAS: 56-86-0 (L-Glutamic Acid); 50-99-7 (D-Glucose (Dextrose)); 7732-18-5; 24/PK Exact Match 3255246
Glycerine, 50% v/v Aqueous, 1 L
Item #:
Supplier #: 3290-32
Supplier #: 3290-32
Glycerin, Glycerol, 50% (v/v), Clear, colorless liquid; Ricca Chemical; 1L; Poly natural; CAS: 56-81-5 (Glycerin (Glycerol)); 7732-18-5 (Water, Deionized); 1/EA Exact Match 329032 RC3290-32
Guaiac Tincture, 1:60, 500 mL
Item #:
Supplier #: 3460-16
Supplier #: 3460-16
Guaiac Tincture, 1:60, Clear, colorless liquid; Ricca Chemical; 500mL; Poly natural; CAS: 9000-29-7 (Gum Guaiac); 67-56-1 (Methanol); 67-63-0; 64-17-5 (Ethanol); 7732-18-5 (Water, Deionized); 1/EA Exact Match 346016
Gentamycin Sulfate 1gm
Item #:
Supplier #: 80057-730
Supplier #: 80057-730
MilliporeSigma 345814-1GM
Gentamycin Sulfate White solid. Broad-spectrum cell culture antibiotic that is nontoxic to viruses and mammalian cells at antibacterial and antimycoplasmal concentrations. Its extended stability and slow development of bacterial resistance allow long-term virus and tissue culture studies. 1g. Exact Match: 80057-730
Gentamycin Sulfate White solid. Broad-spectrum cell culture antibiotic that is nontoxic to viruses and mammalian cells at antibacterial and antimycoplasmal concentrations. Its extended stability and slow development of bacterial resistance allow long-term virus and tissue culture studies. 1g. Exact Match: 80057-730